(borrowed this pic from Food Network, mine don't last long enough to take a picture of!)
Yes, if I could eat these for every meal, I would. I am not kidding. Thanks to my sis-in-law Heather for the recipe.
Portobello Mushrooms washed and cut into 3/4 inch wedges
Panko Japanese Style bread crumbs
2 eggs, beaten
Lawry's seasoning salt
Dredge wedges in flour then dip in egg and then roll till covered in Panko. Fry in 1/2 inch oil till lightly browned, turn and cook until other side is browned and drain on paper towels. Dip in aioli, eat, and die a happy woman.
Aioli Sauce:
fresh garlic chopped fine
Add as much garlic as you like and mix with mayo. It's good to do this in advance (several hours, even a day) and let the flavors combine.